
Weaving my way around Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Boring Health Stuff

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Health stuff:

Yesterday I had a good day, no bloating, less stiff, not 100% back to normal, but a good day. The step nazi registered 5600 steps and 11 flights of stairs.

I’ve moved to the 2nd  floor of a new building at work, so my car is farther away and I work with a new team on the 4th floor. The elevator is very slow, so I’m looking at the steps as my own personal step master, conveniently located so I can use it throughout the day.

They have yet to move my sit to stand desk; even with sitting all day, stiffness was at a minimum.

I could wear my ring, and the skin on my hands was smooth and healing. Even the deep sore in my middle finger was not tender and less red, less swollen.

Down to two shots of espresso, with no headache, so I plan to jettison the coffee completely today.

Woke this morning a little stiff, knees, ankles, balls of feet, toes all swollen. Medial side of knee caps hot, smoldering heat in foreams, fingers swollen and a little stiff. Hands less stiff, legs more so. One knuckle split open as I flexed my fingers, and two fingers have new blisters and are itchy, my middle finger is tender again; so I may have gotten glutened. Hum. Fingers were so much better yesterday, almost looked normal, sigh.

Had that strange sleep paralysis again this morning. It’s been happening all week. I hadn’t noticed that it had disappeared until it returned. I guess I start thinking these things are normal after a while, and stop paying them any attention. Well, they are talking more loudly now, so I’m going to listen more carefully and see what I can figure out. This, with the loss of sense of smell and taste, the tremors, the toe curls are the most disturbing, because they point to neurological involvement.

Woke yesterday with a stiff neck, and it is still stiff this am, in spite of stretching and heat. I’ll try ice later. It’s 60 here now and ice sounds icky! I’m also getting cracks and pops when I turn my head. Again something I hadn’t noticed had gone completely away, until it came back yesterday.

One bit of good news  – weight is down again – 174.5!  total of 3.5 pounds lost this week – hooray, the edema is abating.

Had gas this morning, and tummy is bloated, maybe only 8 months today! The tummy thing has two components – one is the bloating from gas, that comes and eventually goes, but has happened almost constantly, since June 1. Before that, it was happening maybe once every 4-6 weeks. The second component is the edema, which has my whole core swollen. my poor organs are getting squished from everywhere.

Written by wovensongs

August 17, 2013 at 7:37 pm

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